Digital NSFW artist, Girls mostly, some furry, Fan-art, OCs, whatever really. Check out my twitter @ https://twitter.com/KlayTitan

KlayTitan @KlayTitan

Age 36, Male


Joined on 6/27/14

Exp Points:
317 / 400
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.63 votes
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> 100,000
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Lastest art un-published

Posted by KlayTitan - August 1st, 2024

A mod or admin removed my recent art but I got no message or reason as to why if you are going to remove my artwork I'm at least owned a explanation



(Updated version [after @Pingu's correction]:)
This might sound mega-mean right now, but the rules you agreed on say they can remove stuff whenever they feel like it without having to give a reason. That being said, they never remove stuff without 'having' a reason.

You (apparently) cannot "make people behave better", so the moderation team is overworked. If a ton of people would become supporters, Mr. Fulp could 'pay' moderators - who are currently doing this on a voluntary basis. The time moderators can spent on each case is 'whatever spare time they decide to _not_ spend with their loved ones, gardening, watching something entertaining, etc.' - after working a job. And there is a lot of questionable stuff reported (as well as users just hating on stuff) every single day. Due to these restrictions, the base assumption is that artists/uploaders know 'exactly' what they did - or that they will know when they double-check the guidelines. ( https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/content-submission )

Audio Portal moderator @Pingu gave more detailed explanations about this in the past, if you're interested:

Nobody is 'happy' about this situation (including me, btw), but the sad truth is that about 99% of the time, artists/uploaders will have "a strong suspicion" what it was that got them in trouble and just want to be ****s about having been caught.
To my memory I have never encountered you before, but when I look at your catalogue, my first idea _entirely_based_on_bias_ would be "Character in "sexy" situation looked too young for comfort." If that is your inkling as well, my suggestion would be to go and focus on facial features and general bone structure when you rework your piece. Increasing bra sizes shouldn't make a difference. Maybe ask your peers in the forums for input.

If I were in your shoes, I would look into what changes 'you' can make, work them in and leave it at that. But if the image was rated "E" or "T" or you feel that it was a misunderstanding, you can pick a moderator and ask them:

@Yatsufusa just to clarify "If more people would become subscribers they could hire more moderators"; mods arent paid, we're just spicy users. OP can message an art moderator from the list you linked

@[All] My apologies for misrepresenting the NG moderation staff's compensation-situation. I honestly did not know that they do all that on a voluntary basis.

@Pingu I-- ...My skills in _any_ language I know do not allow me to properly convey my gratitude for what you and the other moderators subject yourselves to on a regular basis. Having to deal with "those" users, I think I would walk away after a month and never come back.
Still, I'd like to at least say: "Thank you and the other members of the Moderation team for the hard work you do, your generosity, and... and putting up with the sh*t you put up with without threatening to rearrange somebody's inner organs! You are modern day saints!"

(Sorry if some/all of that sounded weird. I'm still in a bit of a shock but felt the urge to say something regardless.)